COMP7404 Topic 3 Adversarial Search

Author: pseudoyu | 495 words, 3 minutes | comments | 2020-10-05 | Category: Develop

comp7404, hku, machine learning

Translations: ZH, DE

COMP7404 Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning

A Multi-agent Competitive Environment

  • Other agents are planning against us
  • Goals are in conflict (not necessarily)

Game Definition

  • A game can be defined as
    • s : States
    • s0: Initial state
    • Player(s) : Defines which player has the move
    • Actions(s) : Returns a set of legal moves
    • Result(s,a) : Defines the result of a move
    • TerminalTest(s) : True when game is over, false otherwise
    • Utility(s,p) : Defines the final numeric value for a game that ends in terminal state s for player p
  • A game tree can be constructed
    • Nodes are game states and edges are moves

Tic-Tac-Toe Game Tree


Minimax Search

  • A state-space search tree
  • Players alternate turns
  • Compute each node’s minimax value
    • the best achievable utility against a rational (optimal) adversary
    • minimax
  • Will lead to optimal strategy
    • Best achievable payoff against best play
  • Example
    • minimax_example
  • Implementation
    • minimax_implementation
  • Properties
    • Complete - Yes, if tree is finite
    • Optimal - In general no, yes against an optimal opponent
    • Time complexity - O(b^m)
    • Space complexity - O(bm)

Depth-Limit Search (DLS)

  • A depth limit search (DLS)
    • Search only to a limited depth in the tree
    • Replace terminal utilities with an evaluation function for non-terminal positions
  • Problems
    • Guarantee of optimal play is gone
    • Need to design evaluation function
  • An evaluation function
    • An evaluation function Eval(s) scores non-terminals in depth-limited search
      • An estimate of the expected utility of the game from a given position
    • Ideal function
      • The actual minimax value of the position
    • The performance of a game-playing program depends strongly on the quality of its evaluation functio

𝛼-𝛽 Pruning Algorithm


  • Min version
    • Consider Min’s value at some node n
    • n will decrease (or stay constant) while the descendants of n are examined
    • Let m be the best value that Max can get at any choice point along the current path from the root
    • If n becomes worse (<) than m
      • Max will avoid it
      • Stop considering n’s other children
  • Max version is symmetric
  • Properties
    • Pruning has no effect on the minimax value at the root
    • Values of intermediate nodes might be wrong
      • Action selection not appropriate for this simple version of alpha-beta pruning
  • Move ordering
    • The effectiveness of alpha-beta pruning is highly dependent on the order in which states are examined
    • It is worthwhile to try to examine first the successors that are likely best
      • Examine only O(b^(m/2)) nodes to pick the best move, instead of O(bm) for minimax

A Reference Note

Expectimax Search


  • Values reflect average case outcomes, not worst case outcomes
  • Expectimax search computes the expected score under optimal play
    • Max nodes as in minimax search
    • Chance nodes are like min nodes but the outcome is uncertain
    • Calculate their expected utilities
      • i.e., take weighted average of children
  • Expectiminimax
    • Environment is an extra “random agent” player that moves after each min/max agent

Multi-Agent Utilities


  • Generalisation of minimax
    • Terminals and nodes have utility vectors
    • Each player maximizes its own component
    • Gives rise to cooperation and competition dynamically
  1. A Reference Note1
  2. A Reference Note2

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Backend & Smart Contract Developer, MSc Graduate in ECIC(Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing) @ The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Love to learn and build things. Follow me on GitHub
